WORD FOR TODAY:Where thinking is shallow, superstition is always high.


There is power in all God’s creation, potential that makes them different from each other and determines who they are and what they can do.
The question of identity is very important to work in one’s full potential. If an eagle fails to identify is, he may end up like the chicken. If a lion fail to identify is, he may end up like a cat.
There is power in everyone to succeed, prosper and excel, but it tide around who you have being called by God. Knowing yourself is not as important as believing it. To fail in your purpose in life, is to fail to know yourself.
To succeed, your major test will be on self identification. What caused the failure of Adam in the Garden of Eden was failure to know and believe that he was created like God. Jesus did overcome the same kind of temptation when Satan told him to turn stone to bread, if he is the Son of God.

Know and believe today what God has called you. Don’t for get; that the power and the ability God has given you need no aid or assistance from outside you to succeed, only if you can identify it. 

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